Is it possible to have an attorney at 14? New appointment with SOS Parents

New appointment with the column of TMW SOS Parents, curated by Sports Agent Jean-Christophe Cataliotti, to answer the many questions that parents often ask football clubs, but without receiving clear and exhaustive answers.

The parents of a 14-year-old footballer who plays in a professional team contacted our editorial staff to find out from our expert whether or not it is possible to sign a power of attorney at 14 years of age and how much the Agent’s service would cost.

Given the premise (FIGC sports agents regulation in hand) that a footballer under the age of 16 cannot be assisted by a sports agent, it must be strongly underlined that not even upon reaching the age of 16, in the case of transfer to the agent of the task of representing the interests of the minor player (the “power of attorney” as the representation mandate is commonly defined), no payment, utility or benefit or other compensation will be due to the sports agent in relation to transfers, signing of contracts or memberships.

In essence and to summarize the above, Here’s what parents of footballer children need to know:

1. It is forbidden to sign a mandate with an agent until the player has reached 16 years of age;

2. Upon reaching the age of 16 it is possible to sign a mandate, but the agent’s activity must be carried out free of charge until the age of majority.

For advice, questions, explanations write to [email protected] to the attention of Jean Christophe Cataliotti, Sports Agent and Director of the Football School (for info click here