Micciola stings: “If the level of the U23s is this, it’s better for them not to be in C”

The sports director Francesco Micciolainterviewed by Notiziariocalcio.comappears not too convinced by the Under 23 project in C: “I think the second teams give prestige to the championship and launch many young people. Then it is clear that the small teams must be able to dream, like the Castel di Sangro of the past. It will be necessary for a at a certain point, also set limits, because if the majority of Serie A clubs want to create second teams at that point the small teams would really have more problems.

Without forgetting that there is no big following behind the second teams. I must then be honest, I saw the Pescara – Milan Futuro recovery and frankly I found several problems with the Rossoneri. Should this be the level of the second teams then it is better to have a separate championship so as not to affect the global movement of the C series.”