‘Not words, but deeds. The resources are collateral’
(ANSA) – ROME, NOV 12 – “Many times we have talked about stadiums, but today Forza Italia has opened collaboration with all the political forces to give concrete answers. Not words, but actions to facilitate the path because we often get lost in bureaucracy. Resources, on the other hand, are fundamental but collateral at the same time.” The president of Lazio and senator of Forza Italia, Claudio Lotito, said this during the press conference to present a bill to improve Italian stadiums. “Forza Italia has always put the needs of human beings at the center – he added -.
That path of the past must be recreated, through a process that started from school and oratories and which allowed young people to be trained to respect the rules. Having systems that allow you to combine the economic aspect and be a meeting point, eliminating poisoning, is essential. Take the Flaminio which was a landmark of the city and today is abandoned”. Regarding the stadium in question he then reiterated that Lazio “will present its proposal and the project”. (ANSA).