Zauli introduces himself: “You can’t say no to Perugia. I want to be liked, to enter the history of the club”

After having supported the first training session with the team, scheduled for 3.00 pm, the new Perugia coach Lamberto Zauli he presented himself to the press during the conference held immediately after the athletic session: “It’s not rhetoric, but when Perugia calls you you really can’t say no – we read on -. I have played many matches here, I am very happy, I like to coach where there is passion, I like to take on the responsibility of coaching a strong team like Perugia in such a renowned reality.”

Going to the team: “I am convinced that there is an important mix of young and experienced people. I happened to be in Pesaro by chance and saw the team play, far be it from me to judge those who preceded me, on the contrary, I would like to say hello to Formisano, a boy who leaves here with many ambitions on a particular day of an even more particular week, with two matches to be played in close succession, the first of which will be away to Torres who are fighting for the top. From his work I will try to start again in the season. immediate since we won’t have time to do anything else. My goal is to please, to enter into a mentality, into a culture, into a history. Then if you create empathy with society, with people, programs can be extended. There is an incredible story here, very important players have passed through but the coat of arms on these guys should not weigh heavily. I will do everything to be judged as a positive coach, a serious person who can coach Perugia.”

On football ideas: “We face a very difficult championship, there are very important places that are fighting to return to the football that counts. I asked for unscrupulousness, the desire to express oneself to the maximum, responsibility: I have a passion for this sport, the only way to experience the football for me is adrenaline, joy from victory, disappointment from defeat. In a group we are all the same according to the rules, but the values ​​of the players are not all the same. We need to achieve personality and quality, the players must bring home the numbers , it’s a job. I believe that healthy hierarchies must be created in a group and then the role of the club and the staff becomes fundamental with the players who are outside and who fight to gain their place. When all this works in football, it always happens something extraordinary.”

He concludes: “Do we have to win back the fans? It’s nice to share a victory, you share it with those who love Perugia. Being able to create that empathy between fans and team is an objective for those who take the field and those who have responsibility for choosing“.