DS Foggia: “Capuano’s resignation? It’s useless to make decisions right away”

The sporting director of Foggia, Domenico Romecommented on the words of Ezio Capuanowho at the end of the defeat against Sorrento put his mandate back in the hands of president Canonico: “I think the coach came to resign, I wasn’t in the changing rooms because I was in the stands – he reports South antenna – There is no point in commenting or making decisions straight away, we will discuss the property and there is nothing to add. Today we threw away yet another game in injury time.

The team had trained well, the coach had prepared the match well but then imponderable things happen. The decisions taken in the heat of the moment must be rationalized, now there is no point in saying anything else.”

These were Capuano’s words at the final whistle: “I want to talk to the President, I have seen absurd things – he began -. I apologize to everyone. It’s not Capuano’s team. I came with honesty, it’s not possible. In my 35 year career I have never found myself in this situation. I resign as coach. What I saw on the pitch…I am perhaps not worthy of representing this situation, I step aside. In life, personal dignity must come first. Maybe I’m not capable of coaching this team and I take all the responsibility.”