Vanoli: “Vittoria da Toro, I saw things that we missed: it’s a lesson for us”

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23.10 – On the eve he said he was thinking more about the points than the performance, his Toro does exactly that. Paolo Vanoli rejoices in the victory against Como, even if it is one of the less brilliant matches of the season. And, once again, the best on the pitch is the goalkeeper Milinkovic-Savic, in addition to the man of providence Njie, born in 2005 with his first goal in Serie A. Soon, from the conference room of the Olimpico Grande Torino stadium, the coach Vanoli will comment on the match. Follow the live text on

11.25pm ​​- Vanoli’s press conference begins

Is this a dirty and important victory for trust?
“It was the performance I was looking for: characterful and like a Bull, it’s a victory like a Bull. We had delivered great performances with mixed results, but I missed seeing this characteristic. It must be a lesson, when you have to win at all costs you also get tremors …It bothered me, even before the race I wanted this performance”

What do you see in Njie?
“I have many special boys. The Primavera is not a sparring partner, but I always told these boys that I took them into consideration. My relationship with their coach is important, my career was in the youth national teams and I like the their enthusiasm. I never look at the date of birth, there is little talk about Dembele and Ciammaglichella. It is an incentive for them to continue: I told them that since Zapata got hurt, I wasn’t looking for anyone on the transfer market because there isn’t one. they were functional players and I’m counting on the five forwards I have, with another young player (Gabellini, ed.). They must give me enthusiasm and desire to come to the pitch, but their road is still long.”

You added something in defense…
“We have changed a lot, the boys have to understand my mechanisms and I have to find continuity. Tonight they played a great game behind them, Maripan showed personality at the end and those are his characteristics. We need more courage with the ball, but it’s there He’s had great character. There’s a long way to go, but he gives us confidence.”

Today we really saw the malice of not conceding goals…
“Matches must be played: all coaches always want the best match, but there are opponents. Sometimes you have to bring them home with other characteristics. They must also rejoice in a defensive phase, they must exalt themselves. The five minutes in our area must exalt them…We found a Como that has changed a lot and improved, but the desire not to concede goals and to suffer are part of the best victories”

What convinced you? Even the nervous estate…
“I wanted to see a unity of intent from everyone. I wanted to see a single path to get to the result, I have to say that they demonstrated it. Even those who came in understood the moment, we missed it a bit in Cagliari. The performance with the ball it was due to the fear of looking for the result, we were coming off four defeats: it’s a lesson for the future”

Where are Lazaro and Vojvoda at?
“I knew Lazaro from Inter, now I see him determined and eager to take revenge and he is proving it. But due to his qualities he can expect more, he must be better at targeting the man and moving the ball and crossing. Vojvoda has demonstrated of being important for his versatility, he started arm in arm and can also play wide with his foot inverted: having a wild card is important, especially in this period when we have experienced so many… All this must be at the service of the team, they demonstrated it tonight and I saw that they helped each other, they suffered together”

Going back to Njie: is this a victory for the whole club? How important is it to have a young person who emerges and becomes decisive?
“It’s a satisfaction for the whole club, it means that we’ve worked well. Since I’ve been here, I’ve also wanted to have a relationship with the Primavera coach to understand how much they could grow. Dellavalle went to gain experience in Serie B, Balcot he trains continuously with us. Since the retreat, many young people have been with me. Then, it is not easy to say who can be in the squad. And this is why I don’t want the boys to delude themselves, this is what they were good at with me today they have to go to the Primavera, they have to bring an important meaning there: they have a responsibility, they are young but they train with the first team and they must not make mistakes because otherwise they no longer see the first team It’s right that I go to the Primavera. Whoever trains with me, in the Primavera must take away someone’s place and must demonstrate responsibility, because that’s how we grow. And it’s nice to see these guys celebrate with their fans.”

11.39pm – Vanoli’s press conference ends