C clubs dissatisfied with Gravina’s proposal: the latest in view of the federal council


The new political balance designed by the FIGC does not make the Lega Pro happy. In the last few hours, president Matteo Marani illustrated to the clubs the draft statute proposed by federal president Gabriele Gravina, which will be the subject of the next federal council on October 28th.

Among the salient points is the new composition of the federal council itself. In the document, according to what was gathered by TuttoMercatoWeb.com And tuttoc.comthe balance would change by adjusting, in line with the new electoral weights, the number of councilors available to the individual components. The coaches and players would remain unchanged reserved for Serie D, while Serie C would lose a councillor, as well as the referees: the two “recovered” councilors would end up as a gift to the A and B leagues respectively.

A hypothesis which, in addition to not satisfying Serie A which would like greater representation, also achieves the same result in Lega Pro: many presidents are dissatisfied with the proposal and ask that, on Monday, we return decisively to the topic . The expectation towards Gravina – who many remember began his climb to the federal top starting from the C – is that, after having shown his willingness to give up something from a political point of view, the C will get something back in terms of contributions, however intended to support the development of young people.