Lautaro leads Inter beyond the injuries of Calhanoglu and Acerbi: three golden points at the Olimpico

A goal from a captain and a goalscorer. It’s that of Lautaro Martinezwho with his goal – number 133 for the Nerazzurri considering all competitions – gives theInter the victory over Rome. A match characterized by injuries to Hakan Calhanoglu and Francesco Acerbi in the first half ended 1-0 at the Olimpico: injuries for both, the extent of which remains to be understood, but the Nerazzurri’s hope is that they stopped in time. For Simone Inzaghisuddenly in numerical emergency, three golden points on a complicated pitch, which allow them to overtake Juventus in second place in the standings and keep pace with record holders Napoli.

Among the best on the pitch, despite the goal and a still positive game, there is no Lautaro. 7 on the report card to Davide Frattesi and Marcus Thuram, up TMW we also rewarded the coach himself, capable of keeping the bar straight even on an evening with a very high risk of stumbling.

The words of Simone Inzaghi: “We have to work and improve, but tonight we were very good. Balanced first half in the second, once we broke the deadlock we could have doubled the lead. I’m very happy with what the boys showed me – explained the coach to Dazn – tonight we had some problems in the middle, Asllani and Zielinski weren’t well and Calha wasn’t at his best either. I think he stopped in time. We talked about it with the team: we were lacking points outside. Lautaro? I think he’s in the top 5 in the world, I’m happy for him.”