Bari with the attacking puzzle to solve: so far only four goals have come from the strikers

Despite a respectable offensive potential on paper, Bari struggles to get their strikers to score. And not only that. If in fact the technician Moreno Longo he gave soul and play back to the team, what is still missing are goals with the various Lasagna, Novakovich and Favilli, added to Sibilli and Falletti, who scored just four goals in totalless than those scored by the defenders – five between Dorval, Pucino, Mantovani and Ricci – with the midfield also currently missing in the goal area with only the goals of Lella and Maita.

In total the red and whites have scored 11 goals, the seventh attack of the championship, and this is weighing on the progress of a team that in the last three games has always taken the lead without however managing to close, despite having often created the conditions for a doubling and failing at least a couple of tempting opportunities against Catanzaro in the last round.

As underlined by the Corriere dello Sport in the Apulian home, the puzzle of the offensive tandem remains to be solved to once and for all unlock the scoring potential of the attackers with two possible solutions: launch the Lasagna-Novakovich tandem with Favilli ready to enter, to give greater weight to the team in the final phase of the maneuver, or bring back Falletti on the front flanking him with one of Lasagna and Sibilli behind a first striker (Novakovich or Favilli).