Cagliari, Nicola: “Congratulations to my boys”

8.00pm Soon the Cagliari coach, Davide Nicola, will speak to the press about today’s match against Torino.

8.42pm. The conference begins.

How much weight does this victory have on the points recently taken?
“Points always have weight and value. Congratulations to the guys. It’s a period where we finally collect what we’ve produced. The Luvumbo-Marin change? There are two national teams that have returned and I had to evaluate. However, we faced a very tough opponent: two goals at Milan, two at Inter and three at Napoli. Luvumbo should have looked more for the midfield position, he didn’t succeed very well and we conceded too much to the opponent and it was dictated by the management of fatigue. In fact, in the second half we showed greater intensity. We will have to make the most of the last seven minutes.”

Cagliari turned off the lights after Linetty’s goal: what happened next?
“I always prefer to base myself on the data of each match. We weren’t doing well, when we conceded the second goal the dynamics of the match changed. We found mental balance again. You could also see from Deiola’s entry that the boys had regained their concentration” .

There has also been a change in mentality compared to previous weeks.
“Undoubtedly. The result of work and the fact that we think match after match. Now we are already thinking about Udinese, then Bologna. I repeat, compared to the past we played well and did not collect. The trend has reversed. There is a fine line between a negative episode and a positive one.”