Yesterday meeting in FIGC: Gravina presents the draft statute, the Serie A “sees” autonomy

The FIGC is proceeding on the path that should lead to the revision of its statute, in view of the extraordinary assembly scheduled for 4 November. After a first meeting to establish the general principles, yesterday a second meeting took place at the headquarters of the Football Federation in Rome between the president Gabriele Gravina and the representatives of the federal components.

Gravina presented a first draft of the statute which aims to adapt to the new state legislation, which imposes a restructuring of the federal system to guarantee greater fairness between professional leagues, also based on their economic relevance. The proposal presented yesterday focuses on two key points. The first concerns the autonomy of the leagues in the organization of their competitions, while leaving the Federal Council with the role of coordination and the power to decide on the organization of the championships. The second point reiterates the right of agreement for the leagues, giving them the possibility to veto federal rules that concern them, with the exception of controls on companies. An anti-deadlock clause has also been included to avoid prolonged blocks in decisions: in the event of a lack of agreement for two federal councils, the issue passes from the FIGC to CONI.

The draft does not touch on the topic of electoral weightsthe crux of the issue in the political relations between the components: this topic will be discussed in the next meetings, starting from the new meeting which will be held, again in Rome, on 23 October. The key date is the following October 25th, when the next Lega Serie A assembly is scheduled for Milan: Gravina’s proposal, which emphasizes the autonomy of the leagues, could please the group of clubs that refer to the big clubs, grown in consensus in recent times. On the other hand, the companies headed by Claudio Lotito seem to be more attentive to the issue of electoral weights. Much about the reactions to the draft proposed by Gravina will depend on the internal issues of Serie A. The federal council will then meet on 28 October, before the extraordinary assembly at the beginning of the month.