Lucchese, Fazzi: “Gorgone is our strength. Sestri? There is regret”

TMW Radio

Nicolò Fazzidefender of Lucchesespoke about the Rossoneri’s moment at TMW Radioduring the broadcast “A Tutta C”.

What isn’t working right now in your home performance, given that you haven’t won at home yet?
“Although the victory hasn’t arrived yet, the attitude has never been lacking. The team looks very shabby compared to last year and this reassures me. The coach’s football is proactive, even if in terms of dribbling we also had some problems due to the pitch, the fact is that there was also a bit of bad luck and some refereeing errors. However, I think the three points can come soon. We are in shape and on track. We are missing three or four more points, but the ranking is so short that we are close to the play-off positions.”

You are a really flexible player and now you are playing as a central defender. How useful is it to be able to be so versatile?
“It has been my good fortune that I have gained over the years, flexibility is something that the sooner a player learns, the better. I won’t deny that at times it was also a limit because some directors wondered what role I really had. However, I got along well with many coaches and I always adapted. It’s something that I like and that stimulates me, I’m learning so many things; I like being a central defender because in modern football he has a lot of responsibilities and touches the ball a lot.”

How important is it to have given continuity to the technical project with Gorgone?
“The coach is our strong point, because he has great human values ​​and is very prepared. He has great desire and great hunger, in addition to innovative ideas, which sometimes are not easy to implement in Serie C. He was important in my career because last year I was called up in January and he made me play straight away. He also had a huge impact on my renewal in Lucca because he was the one who wanted to keep me.”

Could you have won against Sestri?
“Up until today we haven’t met teams that have crushed us, rather we are the ones who hold the ball in our hands. Sestri is an organized team and will annoy many, but a post, a crossbar and a goal saved on the line make us a little sad.”

How much is Saporiti growing?
“Saporiti has personality and great quality. He is in a great moment and must continue to work because he has big margins. He has characteristics that the coach likes, he can still improve a lot.”

In the next challenge you will face Carpi. What challenge will it be?
“We know that this year Group B is the most balanced. Carpi has changed little and is a lively team that plays well, it won’t be an easy match. It will undoubtedly be a good test.”

Pescara and Entella will arrive later.
“They are teams that are likely to reach the end. Entella had a good transfer market and Pescara has an expert coach. There are all games to be played, but everyone knows that Lucchese is a tough team that knows how to play.”

Many kids are growing in your group. How are you seeing Palmisano and Quirini?
“They are interesting young people. Quirini is the second championship in which he is confirming himself. He is a boy who has courage and who likes to push forward. Plus he can play various roles, which is fundamental. For Palmisano it is his first championship, but he has approached it very well. He has a good physique, a good foot and gives us confidence.”

You have a history in the Fiorentina Primavera, in which you shared the locker room with guys who then went on to make important careers. What was the experience like for you?
“I spent ten years in Florence, which were a training ground for life. I am of the opinion that the sooner the difficulties are found the better, I realized this growing up. I was lucky enough to play with a lot of guys who I’m still friends with. A few years ago I went to Gianluca Mancini’s wedding, but I also feel with Capezzi, Leggerini, Bandinelli and Gollini; we are very close-knit.”