Lecce, Sticchi Damiani: “Perfect timing for the renewals of Dorgu and Berisha, they weren’t obvious”

The president of Lecce Saverio Sticchi Damianial Puglia newspaperpuffs out his chest for the renewals of Dorgu until 2029 and Berisha until 2028: “It is a clear message that the club wanted to send about its way of operating. Our young talents are protected and rewarded according to a gradual growth process Perfect timing from Pantaleo Corvino who did well to close two renewals that were not at all obvious. I hope the boys reciprocate the trust with ever-increasing performances.”

After the national break, the Serie A championship resumes: how is Lecce doing?
“Lecce is well, they have trained hard in recent days and are progressively recovering from injuries, including long-term ones”.

In recent days you have spoken with coach Gotti and with the team: what is the group’s mood?
“Professional commitments have led me to always be away from home, I can’t wait to see the boys again tomorrow evening (today, ed.) on the retreat. I’m always in contact with Corvino and Trinchera who update me on daily life. They tell me about a group who works very seriously and of a coach who is scrupulously taking care of every physical and tactical aspect, obviously together with his staff.”