Taranto with stars and stripes: the background of the preliminary agreement with Apex Capital Global LTD

As is now known, The situation in Taranto is complexwhich risks up to 12 penalty points (with one point already imposed) and a complete dismantling of the team: yesterday evening, with quicker times than expected, a first call should have been held with the AIC, and it therefore becomes obviously the contractual termination of various members of the squad is possible, as is that of coach Carmine Gautieri, who also asked for a meeting with the club about the future and to understand what to do.

But today’s news could change the cards on the table. Already on Wednesday evening everything seemed to be done for the sale of the club to an American group, but the failed transfer had kept everyone alarmed: today, however, the club announced that it has signed a preliminary agreement for the sale of the club with APEX Capital Global LLC.

A negotiation that had gained maximum momentum yesterday, as documented South antenna: Mark Campbell, representative of Apex Capital Global LTD (the American fund interested in acquiring the club), had dinner with the mayor of Taranto Rinaldo Melucci and the deputy mayor Gianni Azzaro. Also present at the table were Michele Pelillo, Giuseppe Losavio (Taranto consultant) and a consultant from the buying group. On the sidelines of the dinner, here is Campbell’s message: “We are happy to be here, we will see each other in two months. We can’t wait to return.”
A phrase which yesterday left room for multiple interpretations, but which today has found its reality.