Balotelli’s agent: “We are waiting for Genoa’s decision. Mario is ready”

Enzo Raiolaagent of Mario Balotellispoke to Sports Radio regarding the striker’s possible arrival at Genoa, after the rumors of the last few days: “I am lucky enough to know Zangrillo and for some time I have known that he is a great admirer of Mario. Bringing him closer to the club of which he is president would be a great pleasure for him Today we are in a situation of waiting on the part of the Genoa technical management. We know what Mario can give, he is ready, excited and can’t wait, let’s hope that this marriage takes place quickly Bologna we will understand if it can be concluded or not.”

Zangrllo’s words.
In recent days the president of Genoa, Alberto Zangrillo, had spoken thus of the hypothesis of Mario Balotelli at Genoa: “I don’t agree with those who believe that his arrival could displease those already in the squad. I believe that Super Mario was potentially the greatest Italian number 9 of the last twenty years. I am convinced that Balotelli can return to the great player he was at Marassi, it is a challenge that has been keeping me sleepless for a few days.

If I could with Mario I would never give up, I like romantic football, of dreams, where you pick that flower you weren’t expecting.”