October 17, 1907, Atalanta was born in a restaurant. He affiliated with the FIF-FIGC a year later

On October 17, 1907, five boys are at the table of the Correggi restaurant, intending to found a new sports movement. They are all high school students, their names are Eugenio Urio, Giulio and Ferruccio Amati, Alessandro Forlini and Giovanni Roberti. They also want to give the lower part of the city the opportunity to play sports which, until then, had been the exclusive prerogative of the Liceo Classico Sarpi, located in the upper city, which monopolized the practices thanks to Giovane Orobia, a sports club that lived right in the school gym.

So all those interested in sports had to take the funicular and go to the upper part. Connections at the beginning of the twentieth century were decidedly slower and it was an important journey for those who had something else to do during the day.

The name falls back on Greek mythology: Atalanta, the nymph of the race, daughter of Iaso and belonging to the lineage of the Arcadians, and Clymene, princess of Orcomeno. However, her father would have wanted a firstborn and therefore abandons her on Monte Palio, while Artemis sends her a bear to raise her and save her from certain death. Atalanta specializes in racing, in fact, and bets that only whoever beats her will be able to marry her. Hippomenes makes it, who stops her thanks to the apples from the Garden of the Hesperides. Atalanta joined the FIF-FIGC in 1908, playing the Promozione Lombarda championship. In 1919 they beat Bergamasca in the play-off and, a year later, the two clubs merged to create Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio.