Carrarese, Bouah: “Providential stop. Beating Mantova to provide continuity”

Once the national team commitments are over, Serie B resumes its run. For the Carrarese next weekend the match between the newly promoted teams against the Mantua. In view of the match against the Virgilians he spoke, through the club’s official channels, Devid Bouah: “It was a providential stop, which came at the right time and which allowed us to rediscover the right energy both physically and mentally, having also been able to enjoy a few days’ break after a start to the season which was still challenging from various points of view. victory in Frosinone has allowed us to live peacefully in these two weeks without official commitments, although we have never lacked concentration and the desire to stay on track to improve in everything that can be useful to achieve positive results in the team group , there is an awareness that we are still only at the beginning of a very complicated championship in which the races are many and all very competitive. The experience of this very first part of the season must represent a sort of teaching and warning regarding everything that we must try to demonstrate on the field, with particular attention to some shortcomings that may have prevented us from having positive results and therefore a better ranking.”

On these first months with the Carrarese shirt: “I arrived here at the end of the transfer market session, without carrying out any preparation with the team but I integrated well straight away, also because my teammates were very helpful with me, facilitating a my quickest integration. The atmosphere has always been positive, harmony and understanding have been created between us and also with the staff; all this has supported us in the less happy moments of this championship, I can support that it is a city that has many beauties with fans who are always alongside the team and thanks to whom you can’t help but feel at home.”

The next match: against Mantova: “We are very focused on Sunday’s match, as we will face a newly promoted team but capable of playing high-level matches and obtaining important points, as they have demonstrated in this start to the championship. For our part, we will not we may have to give continuity to Frosinone’s performance and result, even if it won’t be easy at all. Beyond the opponent, this category requires meticulous preparation capable of touching on all the components that a match requires to take care of. We know that we must be ready for all the difficulties that may emerge during the match and therefore grit our teeth in moments of difficulty but, above all, we will have to try to highlight our characteristics and qualities to direct the match in our favour.”