Baschirotto: “I was discarded by Chievo at 13, by Cremonese at 18. I’ve been through a lot”

Federico Baschirotto, defender of Lecceduring the interview with the magazine Men’s Health he also focused on his physical appearance and responded to a question they asked him about any coach who had given him problems due to excessive attention to physical form.

Baschirotto says about this: “It happened in the past, when I played in the minor leagues. Not now: football is much more physical: you train with GPS to understand how much you sprint, how many kilometers you do. It may be bad to say, but technique alone is no longer enough. Muscles are needed, to a greater or lesser extent, everyone has them. I also bench press 140 kilos, but I go to the gym to always be more capable on the pitch. My classmates ask me how you can have a body like that… Diet? The same as anyone who plays sport at a high level. Every now and then I make a mistake, then I recover.”

Baschirotto also focuses on the long apprenticeship he had to undergo: “I think this is the greatest strength I have. 97-98 percent of people stop at the first difficulty, I’m in the other 2 percent. I arrived in Serie A at 26 years old, but I got there. Even though many didn’t believe it. At 13 I was rejected by Chievo, at 18 I went through a lot, but every step was a lever to strengthen me and start again from down to up. I have always been my own mental coach. Luckily I also had those close to me: my family, my agent Guido Gallovich, a fundamental figure for my career.”

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