Magalini on Cremonese-Bari: “We made ourselves heard, but they closed the door in our faces”

During the interview given to Telebari the sporting director of the Apulian club Giuseppe Magalini he also took stock of the progress of Mr. Longo’s team: “We have responsibilities if we only have ten points. It is true that there have been other people’s mistakes, but we must not create alibis. We must be more incisive and try to bring home as many points as possible, regardless of negative situations. Furthermore, the eight days are also influenced by the market. Unfortunately we got off to a bad start and getting back on track is never easy.”

On the episode of the missed penalty in Cremonese-Bari: “We contacted the relevant bodies to get clarifications. The answers are always the same. They closed the door in our faces. They don’t have to give us anything back, but hearing some reassurances would have been at least fair towards us. In these matches we have more episodes that have penalized us, but clearly I don’t want and can’t think of anyone attacking us.”

On the match against Catanzaro, his former team: “I had two wonderful years in Catanzaro. For us it is an important match, especially by virtue of the last two discussed matches. I would like three points to arrive because the ranking requires it and because it would give us a bit of peace of mind. They are a team who scores few goals and who has scored eight points in eight matches. I don’t know their current state of mind and whether they are in crisis, but we can’t pay attention to these things.”