Breda: “Really important work in Terni. Future? The right call didn’t come”

Among the recent past linked to Ternana and a future on the bench, Roberto Breda gave an interview to the microphones PianetaSerieB:

“Last year we did really important work – he explains in relation to the experience with the Fere -, but we started from the bottom. When I took over Ternana, 6 points had been scored after 12 games. Even the moment of choice is a moment that, for my part, must be weighed more carefully.”

On his future and a possible return to the bench soon, however, the coach declared: “When they call you you evaluate whether it is the right situation or not. I had some contacts, I had some things, yes. But the right thing hasn’t happened yet. But I’ve been doing this championship for a few years and the desire is to continue, knowing that it doesn’t just depend on me. You watch all the Serie B matches and then see what happens.”