Capello, Desailly and the paper burned with his hands: “He wanted to see if he had energy”


During the Sports Festival, scheduled these days in Trento, one of the many guests present also spoke Fabio Capello. Present on stage together with several players from his Milan team with whom he dominated in Italy and Europe at the beginning of the 90s, he told a curious anecdote regarding Marcel Desailly. Here is what was collected by TMW: “Before every match, there is the final meeting to remember everything we have to do on the pitch and what the opponent must not do. All the scoring and who took the penalties, because – alluding to what happened in Fiorentina – Milan, ed – we knew who took the penalties.

Once my report to the players and the meeting are over, everyone leaves except Desailly who I see turned towards the wall. At that point I think: “He must be Muslim.” Instead he turns around, with a sheet of paper in his hand, and tells me: “I wanted to see if I have energy.” He had burned the sheet of paper with the palms of his hands. But on the pitch he had crazy energy.”