Cittadella, a poker of names to replace the sacked Gorini: there is also talk of Venturato

Not exactly like a bolt from the blue, but certainly an unexpected minimum, especially after the cryptic declarations of the General Director; net of everything, however, today the second exoneration of the last thirty years took place Cittadella, with Mister Edoardo Gorini relieved of his duties as coach of the Venetian first team. The 6-1 defeat against Sassuolo in Emilia was the straw that broke the camel’s back, worsening a ‘bad moment’ that had by now been decidedly too long.

The break will now be useful to give the new coach more time to work, but in the meantime the new coach has yet to be appointed. As stated on the portal trivenetogoal.itthe first names have already emerged: Roberto Venturato is in the running, for whom it would be a return, and with him also Marco Zaffaroni, who seems to be the one with the greatest possibilities at the moment, and Roberto Bredarecently finished in the sights of Ascoli and Triestina in Serie C. Further in the background, Massimo Pavanelwho has not been contacted at the moment but who appears to be a welcome profile.

All that remains is to wait for some note from the club, which will in any case dissolve its reservations regarding the future of the bench by return post – probably already today.