Bergomi: “Napoli first with merit. Conte is a guarantee, he has always scored at least 80 points”

The former Inter player Giuseppe Bergomi was interviewed by Southern Gazetteon the sidelines of the exclusive event organized by Fideuram at the Vittorio Emanuele theater in Messina, and focused on various topics. Among the topics touched on, the 1982 World Cup could not be missing and a memory of Totò Schillaci: “The World Cup was the springboard for my career which lasted twenty years. We had a good relationship with Schillaci, he had a good soul. I was the captain of the ’90 national team, we also have a chat. We spent a year and a half at Inter, it seemed right and correct to come to Messina to remember him.”

The former champion of Inter and the national team also revealed his thoughts on the championship, expressing his thoughts on what could be the fight for the Scudetto: “For the first five days there were five different league leaders. Now the Napoli is ahead with merit, Conte has won all the championships he has coached in Italy, except one, always scoring more than 80 points: it’s a guarantee.”