Spezia, Cassata increasingly closer to renewal. Signing possible as early as the weekend

This break week could be the renewal week of Francesco Cassata with Spezia. The sports director Stefano Melissano in fact he is waiting for the arrival of his agents, from Beppe Riso’s GR Sport agency, to define the final details of the new contract which should have a two-year duration, therefore until 2027, with the signature expected this weekend as reported The 19th Century on newsstands.

Cassata has never hidden his intention to prolong his adventure with the white shirt, with which he will attempt to attack 100 appearances, and has always made an impact – like the side Luca Vignali – his being from La Spezia to make his teammates understand the importance of the shirt they wear and of certain matches that are deeply felt by the public (such as those with Pisa, Carrarese or Reggiana).

Still on the renewal front, those of are still on standby Arkadiusz Reca And Nicolò Bertola: the former discussed with his agent Marcin Kubacki the proposal for an annual extension with the spread of the salary and between the end of this week and the beginning of next week a new meeting is scheduled which should be decisive in one direction or another. ‘other. The situation of the latter, however, is more blocked with a possible meeting with his representatives Tinti and Montipò scheduled for next week which however is unlikely to be decisive.