Ventura praises Longo’s Bari: “I’m confident, the team is competitive. The club deserves Serie A”

Gian Piero Venturaformer coach of Bari among others, released some statements on the sidelines of the ‘All the colors of Puglia’ event. These are his words reported by “Bari? I have many pleasant memories of this square, both sporting and otherwise”, admitted the former national team coach. “Bari is a piece of history in my life, I feel like Bari by adoption and I hope that this team returns to where it deserves. A club capable of attracting 50/60 thousand people to the stadium deserves to be in the superior category. The words, However, they are not enough and I hope he gets there with facts and stays there in a stable way.”

Ventura then praised Moreno Longo’s new Bari: “Last year I was very worried but now I’m more confident. The team is competitive, Longo is a serious person and a prepared coach. There are all the conditions for having a season as a protagonist but it is still too early to say how much. The Serie B championship starts around February or March, anything can happen until then.

I heard from Longo, he is happy with the availability and compactness of the group and these are important signs. The first two defeats were the result of dead ball errors, while in Genoa the red and whites missed a penalty. With those three more points, Bari would be third in the standings but there is plenty of time to become the protagonists of the championship.”