Real Madrid, bad news for Carvajal: rupture of the cruciate and collateral, season over

Bad news for the real Madrid And Dani Carvajalwho came out injured from the victory of the merengues on Villarreal. The instrumental tests to which the Spanish full-back underwent confirmed the worst case scenario: “After the tests carried out on our player Dani Carvajal by the medical services of Real Madrid – we read in the official press release issued by the Iberian club – he was diagnosed with rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament, rupture of the external collateral ligament and rupture of the popliteus tendon of the right leg. He will be operated on in the next few days.”

Recovery times, in these cases, range from six months upwards: we can talk about the season being over for the class of ’92.

Less serious, but then the concern was less, the conditions of Vinicius JR: the Brazilian, according to Real Madrid, has been diagnosed with a cervical injury. Updates will follow.