Catanzaro, Caserta: “I feel the support of the club, a victory is enough to change opinions”

The Catanzaro coach Fabio Caserta he presented the match against Modena in this way in the press conference: “In the end, a victory is enough to change opinions – he began -. The team has worked well and we will do everything to achieve it. We must be more incisive in front of goal, find solutions to what’s wrong. We come from a draw that has several positive aspects. Salerno is not a field from which it is easy to emerge unbeaten. Honestly, I don’t understand all this defeatism also because beyond Cesena we would have deserved a few more points.”

“Personally I feel the support of the club and the director and then it is not my position that counts but Catanzaro. The problem added Caserta – is that we continue to make comparisons with last year without understanding that it is counterproductive because what has been done in the past it is unrepeatable.” It takes time to build a new course or at least to give an identity to the new creature; the request is reformulated in this way, filled with praise for the team and an invitation to the public not to lack support. “The path of a team is evaluated at the end, not after seven days – Caserta’s words -. I trust in the public’s contribution because the group here is fantastic and wants to get satisfaction”, the words collected by Catanzaro Informs.