Serie C, the new league assembly set for December 5th: rich agenda

Ordinary and extraordinary Serie C meeting set for next December 5th. Below is the press release released by the third series through its official website:

The President, pursuant to the combined provisions of articles. 13 and 16 of the League Statute, convenes the Assembly of the associated companies on an ordinary and extraordinary elective basis. For the purposes referred to in the art. 10, letter. c) and art. 12, paragraph 8, associated sports clubs in the 2023/2024 sports season for which no revocation and/or revocation provision has not been made are entitled to participate and decide on the approval of the final balance sheet and the reports attached to it. forfeiture of membership. The companies that, in the previous financial year, were associated with another League have the right to participate, without the right to vote, in the resolutions concerning the matters relating to the approval of the final balance sheet and the reports attached to it.
The President announces that during the Assembly, pursuant to art. 26, paragraph 4, paragraph. 2 of the Federal Statute, the supplementary election of a Federal Councilor to replace the one who has lapsed due to loss of functional requirements.

Pursuant to art. 12, paragraph 12 of the League Statute, the elective Assembly must be held “in person”.

Once the verification of powers has been completed, the work of the Assembly will take place as follows:

1) opening of the Assembly with establishment of the Bureau;
2) speech and communications from the President;
In the ordinary way
3) examination and approval of the financial estimate for the 2024/2025 sports season;
4) examination and approval of the final balance sheet for the 2023/2024 sports season;
5) approval of the criteria for the distribution of fees deriving from the license for audiovisual rights and data betting for the 2024/2025 sports season;
6) approval of criteria for the distribution of fees deriving from the centralized marketing of the commercial formats referred to in the Self-regulation Code for the 2024/2025 sports season;
7) hypotheses and reflections on salary cap and employment of young footballers;
On an extraordinary elective basis
8) election of a Federal Councilor belonging to the Lega Pro, pursuant to the Statute of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC);
In the ordinary way
9) appoints members of the Lega Pro Ethics Committee;
10) various and possible.

The Assembly will take place in Florence, at the Lega headquarters, via Jacopo da Diacceto n. 19, on first call starting at 08:00 on 5 December 2024 and on second call starting at 08:00 AT 11:00 AM ON 5 DECEMBER 2024 and will be governed by the provisions of the League Statute and the Federal Statute.

The form for candidacy for the position of Federal Councilor is attached to this invitation.

Please remember that:
– pursuant to art. 12, paragraph 5 of the League Statute, the right to delegate to another Company is not granted on the occasion of extraordinary elective meetings and ordinary meetings which have the matters envisaged in the art on the agenda. 10, letter c) (budget approval 2024/2025 and final budget 2023/2024);
– pursuant to art. 21 of the Federal Statute: “nominations for federal councilor must be submitted to the Federal Secretariat ([email protected]) at least 40 days before the assembly, in order to allow their publication on the federal website at least 30 days before the date of holding the same meeting; An appeal against the voting regulations and the candidatures is permitted by those who have been excluded
as well as by the federal prosecutor’s office; the appeal is proposed under penalty of inadmissibility within seven days of publication on the federal website, according to the methods and procedures established by the Regulation issued by the CONI National Board; for eligibility to the office of Federal Councilor individual candidatures must be submitted”.