Franco Chimenti’s death: greetings from institutions and friends

The president of Federgolf, Franco Chimentiis dead.
Napoletano, who turned 85 in August, had recently been re-elected at the helm of the federation for his fourth mandate.
We report some messages of condolence from institutions and friends:

Italian Golf Federation:
With extreme sorrow, the Italian Golf Federation announces the passing of its historic President, Professor Franco Chimenti. With his usual grace, on tiptoe, he left us at the age of 85. Point of reference for the entire movement, with foresight, vision, wisdom and tenacity he led the Italian Golf Federation for 22 years. Elected for the first time in 2002, he joined the CONI National Council of which he became a member of the Council from 2004 to 2008 and then from 2012 to 2021. On 19 February 2013 he was appointed Deputy Vice President of CONI, a position from which he resigned on 11 June of the same year to take on the role of President of CONI Servizi SpA. On 20 December 2021 he received the Golden Collar for sporting merit – the highest honor conferred by CONI – crowning a long and great career as a manager at the service of sport. Thanks to his vision, he brought the Ryder Cup to Italy for the first time. Last September 16, for the seventh consecutive time, he was re-elected number 1 of the FIG for the four-year period 2025-2028.

Fipav’s condolences
The President of the Italian Golf Federation Franco Chimenti passed away today at the age of 85. During his long and successful career Chimenti has held many important positions in the world of Italian sport, including that of vice president of CONI.
Sincere condolences go to the family of the late Franco on behalf of president Manfredi, vice presidents Bilato and Cecchi, general secretary Bellotti and the entire Federal Council of Fipav.

FIDAL: Goodbye Franco Chimenti, the condolences of athletics
The president of the Italian Golf Federation, former deputy vice-president of CONI, has passed away
The president of FIDAL Stefano Mei, on behalf of all Italian athletics, shares in the condolences of the world of sport for the passing of Franco Chimenti, historic president of the Italian Golf Federation and former deputy vice-president of CONI. He had turned 85 in August and had recently been re-elected for the new four-year term at the head of the FIG which he had led since 2002 and which he had grown by establishing himself as the main architect of the organization of the Ryder Cup in Italy in 2023. He was part of the Member of CONI from 2004 to 2008 and from 2012 to 2021, holding the position of deputy vice-president on two occasions, in 2013 before becoming president of CONI Servizi and then from 2017 to 2021. In his role he had the opportunity to be close to the athletics and in 2021 he participated in the first session of the Federal Council after the elective assembly. Born in Naples, for a long time full professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the La Sapienza University of Rome, in his career as a sports manager he was also involved in football and was president of Lazio for a few months in 1986. Our deepest condolences go to the family of President Stefano Mei, of the Federal Council and of all Italian athletics.

Simone Tosato:
I wasn’t ready for this moment, and maybe I never would be.
Today I have to say goodbye to an important person in my professional life, a man of extraordinary vision and culture, capable of seeing well beyond the obstacle and anticipating the future with a clarity that few possess.
Words escape me when faced with the void that the news of your passing leaves.
I didn’t even have time to say thank you as I would have liked. Thank you for your trust and for believing in me, since day one 22 years ago. You have been a precious gift in my journey, dear Pres.
I think about it, I try to realize it, but even now I still don’t feel ready for this sudden, unexpected and final farewell, but I carry with me your incredible perseverance and the enviable tenacity that has inspired all of us in these long years together.
I don’t like goodbyes, but life shows us that, even in the most difficult moments, the imprint we leave on others is what makes us eternal.
With immense respect and gratitude..
Have a good trip, President.

Daniela Santanchè:
Italian golf was you, Franco Chimenti, the president who never missed a shot. Your skills gave Italy the stage of the greats, with an unforgettable Ryder Cup. I will miss you Franco, my friend.

Franco Colosimo:
Dear President,
It was an honor to work alongside him, a privilege that I will always carry within me. Example of dedication, elegance, class, intelligence, respect. In these years, never a word out of place, never a reproach, but only certificates of esteem and encouragement. You, for me, were much more than a President. A working father who leaves teachings within me that will remain engraved forever in my heart and head. He made me feel appreciated, from day one. She wanted me with her, while the world was firing, she hired me. In the midst of a Covid-19 health emergency. We still had a dream to realize together, I will work hard so that one day I can dedicate that recognition to you. I will always carry her in my heart, with esteem, affection and admiration. He is and will always remain a GIANT, of life and sport.
With all my love, deeply grateful.

Francesco Rocca:
On my behalf and on behalf of the Lazio Regional Council, I express my great sorrow at the passing of Franco Chimenti.
With Chimenti, a volcanic and visionary figure, an incredible story of Italian sport ends.
Only a few days ago I celebrated his re-election to the Italian Golf Federation.
Thanks to his dedication and perfect collaboration, in fact, we managed to bring the 2023 Ryder Cup to Italy and Lazio, an international event that allowed our territory to shine on one of the most prestigious stages in the world.
Thanks for everything, Franco. Rest in peace

FederGolf Lazio:
Goodbye Franco
With pain, the Lazio Regional Committee mourns the passing of Professor Chimenti.
He left us this afternoon leaving us stunned, it seems impossible to imagine the Federation without him.
He led us for 22 years, was part of the CONI National Council, was Deputy Vice President of CONI and subsequently President of CONI Servizi.
Re-elected a few days ago as President of the Italian Golf Federation for the four-year period 2025-2028, with 71.29% of the preferences.
At the service of sport and mainly of Golf, in 2021 he received the Golden Collar for sporting merit, the highest honor awarded by CONI.
The greatest feat that we ascribe to his name was certainly that of bringing the Ryder CUP 2023 to Italy. To the general disbelief he persevered in this feat and gave all Italian golfers the magic of being able to attend the most important event in Rome. golf in the world.
The President and the entire Lazio Regional Committee express their condolences and their closeness to the family of the President and friend Professor Franco Chimenti.
The best way to remember him is with the boys of the 2023 Junior Ryder CUP

Vittorio Bosio:
With sincere sorrow I learned of the death of my friend Franco Chimenti, a safe and authoritative guide of the Italian Golf Federation for many years. We had cordial relations and I had met him to see if and how a collaboration between the Golf Federation and the Italian Sports Center was possible. Franco was also Vice President of CONI in Malagò’s previous mandate. Over the years he had put all his energy at the service of sport. Ideally I thank him for his friendship, for his advice and for the good he wanted for sport and for his and our country. Now rest in the loving and eternal embrace of the Father. The CSI joins in the pain of the family members and the Italian Golf Federation.

FIBS – Italian Baseball Softball Federation
President Andrea Marcon and General Secretary Giampiero Curti, on behalf of the Council and the federal structure, express their condolences to the loved ones for the passing of Franco Chimenti, President of the Italian Golf Federation