Marani re-elected president of Serie C. “Grateful and proud for this decision”


Matteo Marani will lead Serie C for the next four years. The re-election took place this morning, at the Lega Pro headquarters in Florence, during the elective assembly of the clubs, which voted for the president by acclamation.

The clubs wanted to demonstrate the compactness and unity of today’s Serie C, appreciating the work carried out in the last mandate by the governance. In fact, in addition to President Marani, the extraordinary elective Assembly of the Italian professional football league renewed its confidence in Deputy Vice President Gianfranco Zola and Vice President Giovanni Spezzaferri. Also in the sign of continuity is the choice of the members of the Board of Directors, with the confirmation of Alessandra Bianchi (Padua), Mauro Bosco (Vis Pesaro), Patrizia Rossana Testa (Pro Patria) and Stefano Udassi (Torres), who were joined by Angelo Antonio D’Agostino (Avellino) and Nicola Grieco (Audace Cerignola).

Elected for the first time on 9 February 2023, the President of Serie C, Matteo Marani, commented on the result obtained with these words: “I am grateful to our clubs for wanting to confirm me at the helm of the Lega Pro and I am proud to be able to continue to represent the sixty C NOW Series companies. Together with the two vice-presidents, the Board of Directors and the entire structure, I will work to protect the interests of the Lega Pro, in months of important events for Italian football, and continuing along the growth path undertaken less than two years ago. Today Serie C presents itself as united, strong and credible, with an ambitious project linked to young people and cost control. For the second consecutive season, through SkySport and Rai, we broadcast over a thousand matches on national territory and we are the first European football league to land on Fifa+. We managed to rebuild the feeling of pride you feel in being part of Serie C, the result I’m most proud of. We are the championship of young talents, who from here become champions, at the service of the entire football system. #ilfuturoinsieme, as I wanted to rename the program, means continuing along the path traced by the Zola Reform, now intervening on technicians and sports centers with a view to a sustainable Serie C. We will be alongside our companies, we will aim for cost efficiency, we will study solutions such as the Salary Cap and we will act as a management example. Serie C, following its history, stands out for its courage, innovation and development for the benefit of all Italian football, which today has the obligation to understand and respect its importance.”