Juve observers last night at San Siro: 2007 in their sights Andrija Maksimovic

Juventus have targeted midfielder Andrija Maksimovica footballer born in 2007 who took to the field yesterday for seventy minutes in the match that saw Inter beat Red Star 4-0. The Juventus club, writes ‘TuttoJuve’, is monitoring the growth of one of the most interesting young talents in Eastern Europe: 17 years old, Maksimovic is already permanently in the first team and has already made the entire climb up the Serbian youth national team.

Yesterday Maksimovic expressed himself like this at the end of the match against Inter: “My dream came true by playing in the Champions League with Red Star, but I’m sorry not to have won points in a difficult away match. I thank coach Milojevic for his trust, his support and advice mean a lot to me. I wasn’t afraid of the stage, I was relaxed and I hope I met all the requirements. I’m sure we will come out even stronger. We missed the fans yesterday in front of the hotel. I hope they will come to support us against it ‘IMT Belgrade’.

A few hours earlier, Zvezdan Terzic, general director of Red Star, had spoken about Maksimovic in an interview with ‘L’Interista’: “Italy football – he declared – I am convinced will be impressed by his talent”.