Inter on the pitch, the former Pandev: “Frattesi? Finding a double-digit midfielder is not easy…”

Goran Pandev was interviewed by InterTV in the pre-match of the Champions League match against Red Star. The former Nerazzurri player spoke about Frattesi, who will start from the bench today after the goal against Udinese: “He’s a player who scores more than 10 goals between national team and club, finding a midfielder who scores double figures is difficult. C ‘He’s a great champion up front like Barella, who is fundamental for Inter and I’m sorry he’s not there. Frattesi is a great player, he can still grow a lot and score many goals.’

Can Inzaghi transform him into an all-rounder?
“As time goes by he will become one, he can play all 3 roles in midfield but in his insertions he is unique because he feels the spaces so much and in Udine it took him 30 seconds to find it and score a goal.”

On turnover
“If Inzaghi chose this formation he has his reasons, we play every 3 days and there are many games. I understand Simone is in difficulty, with the turnover there are 23 experienced and strong guys and they will prove it tonight too.”

Who can make a difference?
“Taremi, he deserves it and he gave everything in Manchester. I hope he unlocks himself, it’s important for an attacker to score goals.”