Lotito against the ‘pezzotto’: “The fight against piracy brings revenues and eradicates organized crime”

The Italian Government is trying to crack down on the so-called ‘pezzotto’ and on illegal streaming in general of audiovisual content in Italy, above all addressing the problem relating to the world of football, which has been complaining about piracy for some time. Today in the Senate the provisions of the Omnibus Law Decree are being voted on, in which the anti-pirate provisions are also included.

Senator Claudio Lotito also spoke in the Chamberbelonging to Forza Italia and at the same time also president of Lazio, who expressed himself on the topic as follows: “In this provision some fundamental issues have been addressed which certainly represent novelties. I am referring, for example, to the fight against piracy, which will bring important revenues for the state coffers and which, above all, will eradicate a sector currently in the hands of organized crime”.

Lotito continued and concluded in the Senate: “We had already issued a regulation on the matter which unfortunately had little application due to the critical issues that emerged. In agreement with Agcom, we worked to technically resolve all the problems”.