Leao returns to the cooling break: “Nothing against Fonseca. Milan is bigger than Leao”

Champions League eve for Milan, with Rafa Leao who speaks to Sky Sports presenting the themes of the match against Bayer Leverkusen and beyond: “Fonseca? When he arrived he gave me confidence. We talked about the objectives of this season, even if it was the pre-season. But he is a person who is helping me a lot , more in the things I need to improve than in the things he knows I can do.”

Do you feel like you’re missing something this season to finally smile?
“The goal. I miss the goal. I’m making a lot of assists. The most important thing is to win. After the derby, that week, I had in mind that I wanted to give everything, help the team, I didn’t think about being a protagonist. I wanted just doing a good job, helping my team, and winning. Because winning a derby with this team here is a huge feeling.”

How much did you miss winning the derby? Were those three days important for you?
“The coach brought us very good energy, him, his staff, the people who work at Milan, the Curva Sud. So that week there was perfect. Then the group already understood what the coach wants on the pitch, the club, Ibra, came there that week to give support. So the energy outside and inside is very good, and in my opinion tomorrow is an opportunity to give continuity to this moment.”

Opportunity, desire, dream or can Leverkusen be beaten?
“We can win. Of course we have to respect Bayer, because Leverkusen is a very difficult team to play against. They have a great coach, quality players who are young, but we play head-to-head against them even if we play in their home. We’re trying to win because we haven’t won in the Champions League yet.”

On Milan’s change of formation.
“Good from a physical point of view, but also mental, because you have to be concentrated at all times. This match is where the details count, not dribbling, good control. You have to be well positioned. Then sometimes I’m far from the goal, but that’s the mental point of view, when Chris has the ball, to sprint and close to the far post. There’s this thing here that I’m trying to improve and get used to doing every game.”

How’s it going with the criticism?
“On the cooling break, as Theo had already said: we had been in for two minutes, we stayed there, there was nothing against my coach. The most important thing is Milan. Milan is bigger than Leao. Of all the players “