Former Cagliari footballer Andrea Capone died in a hotel: autopsy tomorrow

(ANSA) – CAGLIARI, SEPTEMBER 30 – An autopsy will be performed tomorrow on the body of Andrea Capone, 43 years old, former Cagliari Calcio midfielder found lifeless yesterday morning in a suite of the Palazzo Tirso hotel in Cagliari. Prosecutor Marco Cocco will entrust the task to Dr. Roberto Demontis for the necropsy investigations. Meanwhile, police investigations continue into what is currently classified as an accident.

Yesterday the flying squad agents spoke to the friends who were with the former footballer during the night. Capone, according to a reconstruction of the incident, had taken part in a baptism party in a club in Su Siccu together with other friends. Apparently at a certain time, after the party was over, Capone realized that he couldn’t find his house keys and didn’t even remember where he had parked the car. For this reason he would have been offered hospitality in the hotel’s two-story suite. Other guests at the baptism party arrived at the hotel with the former footballer and slept in other rooms. The time of the tragedy has not yet been established.

Capone perhaps got up to go to the bathroom and fell down the steep staircase that connects the bedroom floor to the rest of the room. In the fall he hit his face and head, dying. The body was found around 11am yesterday by hotel staff. The injuries found on the body, according to the first external examination, are compatible with a fall down the stairs. The mobile team is viewing the footage from the cameras and has acquired the former player’s cell phone which could possibly be analyzed based on the autopsy results. (HANDLE).