For now, Zortea decides at the Tardini: Cagliari ahead 1-0 over Parma at half-time

The first half of the Tardini is over, at half-time Parma-Cagliari is 0-1.

Cagliari started the match very strong and put Parma in great difficulty, who had to thank Suzuki already in the 2nd minute: the yellow-blue goalkeeper overcame Piccoli’s header, blocking the attacker’s frustrated shot from a few meters away with his right foot. In the 6th minute a goal was disallowed for the Sardinians, who were in control of the pitch at the start: Yerry Mina was offside following Luperto’s header, he reiterated his goal after the former Empoli defender’s post, but VAR correctly removed the 0-1. The ducals appear near Scuffet only in the 16th minute with a great move, orchestrated by Bonny, who protects the ball, goes around Mina and serves Mihaila in depth, who kicks with his left foot to the near post, forcing the visiting goalkeeper to save. For better or for worse, Yerri Mina is always the protagonist and in the 29th minute he saves with a header from a great left-footed shot from Valeri, who had found a very interesting trajectory from outside the area. Nicola’s men deservedly passed in the 34th minute with a header from Zortea, who did a great job breaking away behind Balogh and deflecting Luvumbo’s excellent cross into the net from a few steps away. Two minutes later Suzuki risks making a mess, failing to hold onto Viola’s cross and offering Piccoli the opportunity to repeat it into the net, but the attacker, from a very tight angle, only hits the post. It is the last real emotion of the first half, which gives two more long-range shots, one from Man and one from Viola, which however do not create any danger for the goalkeepers.

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