Cosenza, Begeldo and Gyamfi are now out of the technical project: they are training with the Primavera

Having closed the draw against Bari, which was achieved thanks to Tommaso Fumagalli’s eleven-metre goal, the Cosenzayesterday he immediately returned to the field for preparation. In fact, as the official channels of the Calabrian club report, immediate resumption of training for coach Massimiliano Alvini’s rossoblù, who returned from Puglia in the evening; obviously differentiated work between gym and field for those who took to the field at ‘San Nicola’, while those who did not take part in the match carried out an activation phase and a high intensity running block. The session concluded with a technical exercise, a ball possession drill and a match.

Today is a free day for the team, with the portal which focuses on the team. Underlining a fact relating to those who no longer fall within the technical project: Gianmarco Begheldo and Bright Gyamfi, in fact, are now redundant on the fringes of the squad, so much so that both have trained with the Primavera team coached by mister Nicola Belmonte, with Begeldo who also took part in the victory against Avellino.

We will therefore have to understand what will happen in January, if the two have a market, but the situation of the players is different from each other: the first is a legacy of the old technical management, Gyamfi was strongly desired by the current management. But something then changed. So all that remains is to wait.