Berni to RFV: “Fiorentina must improve a lot and unfortunately football doesn’t give us time”

The former Fiorentina footballer Fabrizio Berni spoke to the microphones of Radio FirenzeViola of Fiorentina’s moment: “We are still at the beginning, even if in two months Fiorentina have only won one match, which was not deserved among other things, against Lazio, with three penalties to boot. But there are many new ones and the difficulties they can fit. Yesterday’s match was very boring, with players either out of the match (Colpani and Bove) or not up to par (like Kouame). Fiorentina has a lot to improve and unfortunately the football doesn’t give us time.”

Palladino’s changes? The stiffness of the module is not an advantage, and it showed last year. Of course you need to have a reason to trigger a change. I have the impression that the coach has some doubts. With Lazio Palladino had found the solution, yesterday he didn’t succeed, but I see a common line. Last Sunday the flexibility was a merit, in Empoli it was a weapon that turned against itself because it changed too much, especially at the front.

Is Comuzzo on a positive note? He is proving to be a player who, quietly, is becoming fundamental. He has good timing and good football, he seems a little impetuous to me, but he will improve and I think he is one of the positive aspects of this start of the season.”