Verona, Zanetti: “Future? I’m more angry than worried. We have to overcome the obstacle”

Four defeats in the championship and a negative trend that needs to be reversed in the shortest time possible. Paolo Zanetti knows well what the recipe is to get back to scoring points, the coach reiterated what the state of mind is after a start to the seasons marked by ups and downs: “The future? I’m angry and not worried. I coach the boys, I know what they can give. In football there are these moments, we don’t have a disastrous ranking.” At the moment the Scaligeri are at 6 points, -2 behind Venezia, third from last in the standings and today defeated by Roma. “We had a bad match and this must make us angry and react – added the coach in the press room -, we must understand the reasons and the moments. We must overcome this obstacle to grow as a team”.

Zanetti then wanted to express an opinion on how the new championship began: “Everyone plays with everyone else, then the values ​​come out. At the start of the season the values ​​are balanced. Como is strong, has quality, the newly promoted teams are all fearsome”. In the next round there will be an inside or outside match: Venezia will arrive at the Bentegodi, looking for redemption after the defeat against the Giallorossi.