Pro Vercelli, Cannavaro: “We returned to victory in the craziest way”

Paolo Cannavarocoach of Pro Vercelli, expressed himself like this in the press room at the end of the match won over Lecco: “We returned to victory in the craziest way possible: the match was beautiful, fun, intense. I am obviously satisfied with the result and how the match went above all. Even when we were down by two goals, we had conceded almost nothing to Lecco: on the contrary, we had control of the ball. We knew we were facing a strong team, and the more we let them have the ball, the worse it would be; more possession of the ball, to have more peace of mind than in other matches. Compared to other times, where we were more hasty, the defenders had more patience they woke up because it seemed like we were mirroring ourselves in the plays that were succeeding. In football you have to be as cynical as possible, as they were when it came to goals: then, however, I can only say well done to my boys, who were exemplary in coming back. game and above all they were balanced. At half-time I said that we should try to win the match, but with balance: I think it’s the most important quality to have in football. Down 2-0 after four defeats? A bit like a child when he falls: he scrapes his knee a little, hits his head a little, then learns not to fall again or, if he falls, he no longer notices the pain. We are learning too. In football you don’t always have to go ahead, you can also go behind.

Just as it is not said that reacting is impossible. In other matches we saw something that wasn’t us. I can assure you that since July 15th, there hasn’t been a day that these guys haven’t had intensity in training. Lecco is a very strong team, but today we saw the match that all coaches would like to see. We felt a little sorry for what happened in some matches. The boys performed very well physically, I can assure you that the data this team has suggests that we can play a certain type of game. In the moments that have passed, but which are certainly not over, I have a group of young people and seniors – even if few – who have taken the team on their shoulders. Today I made few changes, but everyone was happy: even those who didn’t enter. I have a group, especially those who don’t play, who want to train and stand out. Today Vigiani gave a great performance, as did Bunino who came back”. reports it.