Monza report cards – Maldini tries to rebel, Djuric too isolated. Turati pays the penalty

Final result: Napoli-Monza 2-0

Turati 5 – Missed on his first shot on target, he forces an unlikely exit from deep, thus exposing himself to the foreseeable consequences.

Izzo 5.5 – In control until Napoli’s left-handed chain comes into action, he plays with fire risking a second yellow. From 83′ D’Ambrosio sv

Seas 5.5 – Central pin of a ballerina rear guard that opens too easily. He fails to close the slide on the first goal.

Carbons 6 – He takes over Lukaku, managing to never let him turn towards Turati. Attempts a miraculous recovery on the doubling.

Pereira 5.5 – He tries in vain to lend a hand to Izzo in the double marking, Kvara always finds the bar open to pass.

Bondo 5.5 – Aggressive conduct, puts pressure on everyone. However, less well in the setup phase, he loses too many balls.

White 6 – Personality management, with the playmaker’s timing. His advance becomes an assist for Politano, zero faults at 2-0. From ’83 Caprari sv

Kyriakopoulos 5.5 – Defensive strength is not its main prerogative, this Neapolitan evening is no exception.

Pessina 5.5 – Raised to the midfield to increase the quality of distribution, he partially succeeds when Napoli moves their center of gravity back.

Maldini 6.5 – He moves from second striker to throw himself into the gaps opened by Djuric. He tries to rebel, touches the top corner on a free kick.

Djuric 5.5 – Life is tough without supplies, the only decent cross comes from corner developments. Good morning always takes his time.

Alessandro Nesta 5.5 – The start is promising, but lasts more or less as long as the blink of an eye. Then Napoli put up the curtains in the Brianza half of the field and removed them only in the second part of the second half, when the Azzurri dropped and the team took courage but was never truly dangerous.