Fiorentina, the premiere of the documentary ‘Quarto tempo’ screened yesterday. The story

Different stories that participate in the history of a team that is always winning, even when it loses on the pitch. This is the heart of the documentary on Fiorentina Special edited by Davide Lemma for ACF Fiorentina and Mashfrog Production and screened for the first time yesterday during the “Calcio Comunità Educante” Festival.

First social football festival in Italy, organized by Angeli Press at the Comunità Incontro di Amelia, Terni, the event was born with the aim of enhancing the importance of the values ​​of solidarity and inclusion through sport and socialitywith interventions by institutional guests and the world of national football. An ideal setting in which to tell how the disabled footballers of Fiorentina Special find in QuartoTempo a place open to all, in which football becomes a tool for participation and growth, both personal and collective, even off the pitch.

Comment by the director, Davide Lemma: “The documentary has no claim nor intention to delve into the issues of diversity but presents itself as an attempt to give the public the atmosphere of a locker room in which there is no homologation and hypocrisy, in which the professionalism of the technicians is very high and the competitive spirit is deeply felt but there is only one fundamental and mandatory prerequisite: fun”.

The President of QuartoTempo, Matteo Fazzini: “The documentary tells very faithfully what we are, a continually open laboratory in which everyone – athlete, operator, technician, family member – undertakes a journey to get to know themselves and others better and to build relationships full of meaning, relationships to cultivate and respect to achieve personal goals and common objectives, on and off the field. An experience that through football can help change lives in their daily lives.”

The General Director of ACF Fiorentina, Alessandro Ferrari: “This documentary and its protagonists perfectly interpret the true meaning of sport, which is increasingly rare to encounter: competitive spirit married to friendship, the psychophysical well-being that comes from taking care of oneself and others, the sense of belonging. All in the embrace of a community in which diversity becomes wealth and gaming a tool for life. Quarto Tempo is a continuous source of teaching and inspiration for us, we want it to reach the general public more and more and we believe that this content can be a valid tool”.

Rocco B. Commisso, President of the Club: “When my family and I arrived at Fiorentina, we were immediately struck by the reality of our special teams. I am moved by their commitment, their enthusiasm, their authentic way of experiencing football, which is why we have tried not to lack our support and to support them continuously in their daily lives. It was also a project much loved by Joe Barone who had a truly special relationship with these guys.”