Nice gesture behind the new look: Morata, shaved hair in support of children suffering from cancer

A new one lookswhich also brought good, to him and to Milan. In the match against Lecce, won by the Rossoneri with a result of 3-0 also thanks to one of his goals, Alvaro Morata he showed off a new haircut. And quite radical, considering that the Spanish center forward showed up with a substantially shaved head.

The motivation. If Theo Hernandez had thought of anticipating the aesthetic novelty, in the days preceding the race through the socialto hit the motivation behind Morata’s gesture. He tells it Sports Mediaset: the idea behind the novelty would be to send a sign of closeness to children suffering from cancer.

A way of showing support to young cancer patients who, seeing their idol score with that shaved head, will perhaps find extra inspiration and strength. It is not the first time, the portal recalls, that Morata has shown himself to be particularly attentive to the topic: after the victory of the European Championships with Spain, in the summer, the former Juventus player took the stage for the celebrations with a little girl suffering from cancer with whom he had formed a deep friendship.