Eredità Agnelli, John Elkann’s lawyers: “He never existed and no hidden heritage exists”

Lapo And Geneva Elkannlawyers of Johnpresident of Exorthe holding company that controls the Juventushave issued a statement, reported by La Stampa, to respond to the news of the last few days regarding the affair linked to the Agnelli inheritance:

“There has never existed and does not exist any hidden patrimony of the Agnelli inheritance, the Elkann brothers, appointed by their grandmother as universal heirs, have fulfilled all the administrative and fiscal burdens that fall to those who inherit from people residing abroad, as indisputably it was Marella Caracciolo. Some fixed points in the face of the sequence of repeated falsehoods that crowd the media these days.

It is not true that supplementary tax returns were presented which revealed assets unknown to the Italian tax authorities. The jewels that are talked about a lot inappropriately were certainly assets owned by Marella Caracciolo who disposed of them during her life as she wanted. John Elkann covers the role assigned to him by his grandfather, according to a succession scheme that has always been recurring in the Agnelli family which has ensured the first Italian industrial group, a development and continuity of management that has crossed the finish line of 125 years”.