Reggiana, Viali: “Focus on ourselves. Carrarese is treacherous, we need a complete performance”

Every week the ranking shows things too well or too badly, we need to stay focused on ourselves and on the route. In the first four races I saw Reggiana always growing, while after the break we started again with performances that were not of the same level”. The Emilian coach William Avenues he spoke like this in the press conference on the eve of the match against Carrarese: “I told the team that analysis is often done by pointing the finger at someone, but either you think as a team and become strong as individuals otherwise if you think as individuals you become mediocre as a team. – continues the coach as reported – In the last two games we lacked this a bit, so let’s emphasize the limitations and not the qualities. I want us to go back to thinking as a team and thinking as if we were one.”

Then there’s room for Carrarese: “They’ve come back from three defeats, but they’ve always stayed in the games and I think they’re a lively team against whom without the right attitude we could have great difficulties. I expect a complete performance from my team both on a mental level and in terms of desire to sacrifice, because by doing so we will compete. – continues Viali – We expect a team that can attack strongly from the start as well as stay low and compact, but we are ready for any situation and we are aware that it will be a complicated match”.

Viali then also focuses on the possible lineup choices: “The group is practically complete, but I have to monitor everyone’s conditions. The players must understand how important the match as a whole is, both those who start and those who take over have responsibility for the progress of the match and this sharing helps to create the right mentality. Double director? It depends on how you dribble, Reinhart for me is an all-rounder because he is capable of playing further forward, but he has shown quality in the control room and can also act as an inside player. I’m training him in all roles. – concludes Viali – There is great competition and consequently the level of competitiveness within the training session rises. I’m looking forward to the problem of all players being on the same level of playing field to choose, but we’re not there yet”.