Lecce, Baschirotto: “The blackouts penalize us and that’s not good: we need to stay close to the races”

The captain of Lecce Federico Baschirotto spoke to Sky Sports after the defeat of the Salento team against Milan 3-0 in the first match of the 6th matchday of Serie A:

How do you explain Milan’s 3 goals in 5 minutes?
“We lost a bloody ball in midfield, they restarted and there was the third goal. That’s a regret, having lost a ball like that.”

However, Lecce’s performances never fail…
“The performances are always there, then these moments of blackout arrive which penalize us. We did well for 38 minutes, then we conceded a goal and melted away. This must not happen, we must always cling to the game.”

How is the group growing?
“We try to listen to the coach this week and the new ones are coming in. Now we need to stay on track, not give up, even if the results don’t arrive as they have in this period.”