Rocchi: “Pulisic’s goal, no punishable handball”. And explains the decisive penalty in Fiorentina-Lazio

The referee designator for A and B, Gianluca Rocchicommented on the most discussed cases of the Serie A weekend during the in-depth broadcast ‘Open VAR’ on DAZN. It starts with the possible handball by Pulisic that spoiled Milan’s lead in the derby against Inter: “The decision on the pitch is correct, the VAR is very meticulous and does a second investigation. It is right to investigate, if there had been a punishable handball it would have been right to intervene”.

Then move on to the episodes of Fiorentina-Lazio. Rocchi begins his analysis with a disputed handball in the area by Dodo on a cross: “There are different assessments here, a header first and then a touch with the arm: he is falling and the defender’s attitude is to go and play the ball”.

Then move on to the highly contested penalty that decided the match, for a foul by Tavares on Dodo: “I would like to underline the careful work with which the VAR prepares for the decision, including perfect cameras. This is a clear penalty, this type of penalty is codified, even if I have heard someone say otherwise. We are only interested in whether the ball is still inside the field or not. The ball, not the foot”.