Carrasco: “In Arabia we foreigners are obliged to show a European level”

Yannick Ferreira Carrasco He played seven seasons with Atlético Madrid. A few months ago he was hired by Al Shabab but he does not forget the club that made him great: “I wish the team all the best and I hope they win the Champions League, because that is the title that this club lacks. I played for seven years, almost 300 games and Atlético is like my home. I have lived good moments and also difficult moments, which make you grow and remain in your heart”, he said in an interview with Marca. “Simeone? Cholo has helped me grow a lot as a person and as a player, he taught me to think about the group before myself”.

How are you finding Saudi Arabia?
“Here foreigners are forced to show the level they had in Europe. Otherwise you are not useful, this is a demanding League.

I have already been to China and every experience brings you something positive. When you arrive in these types of countries, you understand that football is not just about the fifteen most important teams in Europe, but that there are other realities. That is why, when I returned to Atlético after being in China, I returned with more values ​​and more respect for everyday things. And here in Arabia I have to help with all the experience I have in Europe”.