AGCOM against the ‘pezzotto’: at work fines up to 5000 euros also for those who watch

AGCOM does not give up and announces new measures to combat piracy in football and in particular for that illegal streaming system commonly known as ‘Pezzotto’. It refers to in an article dedicated to the topic, explaining that the Communications Guarantor wants to bring the anti-piracy platform Piracy Shield back to the center of the debate. And the hypothesis of sanctions defined as ‘automatic’ is once again aired.

This is what emerged from a recent round table broadcast in streaming, with interventions by the commissioner of AGCOM, Massimiliano Capitanio, but also by Romano Righetti, DAZN and Lega Serie A. A picture emerged that seems to put the anti-Pezzotto platform in a good light. Capitanio says: “Despite many industry magazines having dabbled in belittling or even decreeing the death of the Piracy Shield system, the platform works. The law approved in July 2023 provides for fines ranging from 150 to 5,000 euros for end users who consume pirated content. We have already blocked over 1,000 domains and 500 IP addresses in the first days of the championship and the number has continued to grow in the third and fourth days”.

It remains, according to what he says, a “serious” problem of potential economic damage for industries. Capitanio then explained how more information is needed on the damage caused to the system by piracy. And, thanks to the dialogue with Google and Cloudfare, the authorities are preparing the crackdown and a quicker identification of even the end users. Fines of between 150 and 5000 euros are also coming for these people.