Palermo, Pierozzi: “Great first half, we missed the goal. The glass is half full”

At the end of the match drawn against Cesena, the Palermo defender Edward Pierozzi he commented: “I always look at the positive aspects, we played a great first half, we just missed the goal – he reports -. We were in the game, in the second half they came out. The glass is half full, we have to continue like this.

The blow to the nose? I’m fine, it was an involuntary elbow that I took, I bled a lot. Nothing special. Doubtful contact in the Cesena area? I think I got there first, he hit me. The referee thought it was a light blow. We have to improve, some incidents direct the game. On the left I’m adapting more, I’m finding confidence and condition. Being right-footed I see fewer plays. I keep working, I hope to always improve”.